Tuesday 16 June 2015

In the last days I was studying for my Catalan exam. This language isn´t only living language in Catalonia, but also on the Balearic Islands, in one part of Valencia, Aragón, in Roussillon, which is a part of France and in one Italian city, Alguer.

Personally, I consider language which has a common point with - it's an obviousness- Spanish, French, Italy or Portuguese but not only. When I was sudying I've realised Catalan has some common qualities with English! For instance, to form plural of masculine noun or some adjectives, you should add only „s”. I got Catalan dictionary and at the beginning they explain some basic rules of pronunciation and, even, they compare some sounds with English sounds! A word „father”, in Catalan „pare”, both „e” are  pronounced like in English (or like in Catalan ;) ).

I reckon the origin of Catalan has many elements. There is one more confirmation that a language reflects also community's thought, for example, „I love you” in Catalan is „T'estimo”, what means „I respect you”, as well.

-Do you speak Catalan? 
-Yes, just a little.

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