Wednesday 15 April 2015

   If I had done something, now I could have another life...

Have you ever thought this way or don't you like speculating? Recently, I was thinking about what could be my life if I hadn't chosen a bilingual class ten years ago. I'm going to enumerate some points.

- If I hadn't chosen a bilingual class, it's highly likely that now I wouldn't be in Granada.
  • If I hadn't went to Granada eight years ago, I wouldn't have known my Spanish friend.
  • If I hadn't known her, I wouldn't have cooked pierogi (it's a Polish dish) two weeks ago on my own. (Of course, my Spanish friend helped me.)
  • If I hadn't chose study Spanish Language and Literature, probably I wouldn't know about many countries in Latin America (I wouldn't know that they exist.)
  • If I didn't study Spanish Language, I wouldn't have worked in Spain.
  • If I hadn't worked in Spain, I probably wouldn't have visited the Dalí Theatre and Museum in Figueres.
  • If I didn´t study Spanish, I might know that is possible address professor informally.
  • If I didn't study Catalan, English, French and Spanish, I would know fewer cultural habits which exist worldwide.
  • If I didn't study it, I wouldn't imagine that something can be „as clear as day” or „it's clear like water” (in Spain it is said like that) ”, however, in Polish we say ”as clear as sun”. I really enjoy discovering differences in proverbs. The proverbs contain the nation's perspective on the world.
Finally, If I didn't study languages, I wouldn't be a person who I'm now. I don't regret my decision at all! I consider a learning languages it isn't only acquire other language, but also discover other culture. It's a ideal way to broaden the mind!

I'm going to quote Goethe: The more languages a man knows, so many more times he is a man".
And what about you? Assuming you could take a decision (connected with your studies, work, love life...) one more time, would you changed it?

Broaden your horizons (through languages or any mental activity) !


  1. This post is great! A self-imposed practice in conditional clauses :) Well done!

  2. Thank you :)! A dwelling was a great excuse to practise them!
