Thursday 5 November 2015

     Are you a biker or a pedestrian?

In this blog spot I would like to put forward the subject of cycling in the city and not only. As I've mentioned some time ago I cycle to the university and wherever I want to reach. I've discovered it's the most faster way to do it. Since I cycle, I've more power an my well-being's improved. If you cycle in the morning, you ventilate your body and mind. You can plan the day and think about your tasks. However, don't forget you're on the road, bike path or pavement, so you must be focused on the drive. I'm sure you've heard about the principle of limited trust: you must be ALWAYS careful and concentrated. In practise, it means you should be amble to predict the behaviour of others. Even when you have the green light, you should ensure you can go or pass the zebra crossing.

I've observed people behave as if they were the only one on the road. People seem be overstressed and don't register others. Then, I wish all were more understanding. Mine main concern is to transmit a emergency vehicle. I've been a witness to ambulance's waiting because others cars or buses block ambulance's way, although this kind of vehicle has priority.

Drive carefully! :)

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