Saturday 16 January 2016

What do you have in Inside out?

In Christmas time I had a chance to see Inside out, a animated comedy whose premier was released in June last year. The main character is Riley- about a ten years old girl who lives in Minnesota with her parents. Riley is a lively, enterprising, outgoing child. She is a ice hokey player and she really enjoys training it. She has a great circle of friends. But what does differ this animated comedy from others? It is something creative-we can see what controls the Riley's mind. There are four emotions: Joe, Fear, Anger and Sadness, who constitute the rest of the cast. These emotions function like a Railey's headquarter. Fortunately, Joe usually takes the helm :). We have not only the possibility of observing Railey's mind, but also the parents' mind.
However, the family had to move to San Francisco due to father's job. At this moment, the girl's behaviour has changed. Joe does her best, but she has gotten lost and winds through the mind.. Railey is overwhelmed with a new environment...
I consider this comedy a good way of spending a family or friend evening. On the one hand it points that we can control our emotions and our mental state is a conscious decision. It reminds me about ability to focus on the present moment, what is the premise of mindfulness. On the other hand, we should know all emotions we can feel. The adults should teach the children that feel fear or angry is normal, but they have to be able to cope with them.

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